Jun 28 , 2018
Obsessing Over…Revitalash Lash Serum
In case you guys didn’t realize it yet, I am SERIOUSLY obsessed with lashes! One of the biggest questions I get about false lashes is whether or not they damage your real lashes! My response to this is ALWAYS the same! If you have two people, one wears false lashes and uses vitamins like Revitalash to take care of their lashes, and the other does nothing; hands down the person using Revitalash will have gorgeous lashes, whether or not they wear false lashes! For me, this has become my lash saver! I recently started to use it, and I can’t believe how much my lashes have reacted in just 3 weeks! I want to give it some more time, but my lashes just stopped falling out and have gotten so long and full! I’ll be honest, I have been applying it twice a day, the directions say to only apply it once, but my lashes look so full and healthy!
I love this kit, it comes with the serum, mascara, lash curler and brush. The serum + mascara means your lashes get the treatment they need day and night! A lot of people have told me they loved the way their lashes looked while they used the serum, but their lashes fell out when they stopped, this makes complete sense, since it’s just like taking a vitamin! You only get the treatment while you’re on the vitamin, it doesn’t last forever! Luckily, it takes just a few seconds a day to apply and the results are SOOOOOO worth it!!